• Laboratory Tests
    Iaselab is an accredited laboratory by Accredia with number 1716L
  • Laboratory Tests
    Iaselab is an accredited laboratory by Accredia with number 1716

Analysis and Training

Analysis and Training

Analysis and training about all the laws and the necessary tests of the conformity evaluations. Courses/Seminars about new European Guidelines.


Environmental testing

Environmental testing

Laboratory activities

Climatics, vibration, shock, bump, total irradiance and illuminating measurements, noise testing, corrosion analisys, etc..


Electrical testing

Electrical testing

Laboratory activities

Safety testing and verifications, metrology and calibration service, electric and magnetic field analysis and testing, etc..


Testing by industry

Testing by industry

IASELAB performs testing according to Standards and special specifications in Railways, Maritime, Automotive, Industrial environment and industry.


Press release

Nemko grows in Italy through IASELAB acquisition 

The product testing laboratory IASELAB Srl has been acquired by Nemko Spa, giving Nemko a direct presence in Emilia Romagna, the Bologna region, to provide further testing capabilities, including environmental and vibration tests.

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